Salaat Time
Size: 14 MB
Downloads: 8113
Platform: Windows (All Versions)
There are two main things that the free Salaat Time does. The first thing it does is to remind the user that it is time to pray; it calculates the time for the five daily Muslim prayer times and tells the user when it's time to pray. The user must face a certain direction while performing the prayer – and that’s the second thing the application does. Salaat Time calculates the Qiblah direction.
Salaat Time works with any edition of the Microsoft-developed Windows operating system. To install the application on a Windows PC, you must download a 12.4MB executable and run it. A simple setup wizard will show up and the instructions it presents will help you get Salaat Time up and running.
At the top, on Salaat Time’s interface, you are presented with the current time and info on prayer times. Underneath, the application presents the Qiblah direction. For the direction to be accurate, you must access the Prayer Settings menu and enter your location.
The main two things Salaat Time does, as mentioned above, are to remind you about prayer time and to indicate which way to face while praying. It notifies you by using sound and/or visual alerts. There are a few other things the application does: it displays a Gregorian calendar with important Islamic dates and moon phases, plays a selection of Suras and Ayaats, starts the screensaver, and locks your PC.
As mentioned above, Salaat Time is free. You do not have to part with your money if you’re going to use the application for non-commercial purposes. If you are going to do so, you are asked to make a donation to an orphanage.
With Salaat Time to help you, you will always know when it’s time to pray and you will know which way to face.
Salaat Time works with all Windows editions. The interface is fairly simple to figure out. Notifies you when it’s time to pray and indicates the Qiblah direction. Salaat Time can also lock the PC and start the screensaver. Important Islamic dates are highlighted on a Gregorian calendar. Salaat Time is free for non-commercial use.
None that I could think of.
Salaat Time
Salaat Time Awards

Salaat Time Editor’s Review Rating
Salaat Time has been reviewed by George Norman on 06 Sep 2012. Based on the user interface, features and complexity, Findmysoft has rated Salaat Time 5 out of 5 stars, naming it Essential